Monday 4 December 2006

Ivan and Grecia's Article

Classical Music

When we think of “Classical Music,” we maybe imagine music played by an orchestra or opera. Mr. Teck, a famous music teacher, said, “Classical music is an old music just played by instruments.” When we study the history the word “classic” it means the music written from 1750 to 1820. During the classical period, 1750-1820, many changes happened in the world. Some examples are the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars that changed life in Europe. The geographical for this music was in Vienna, and some big composers lived there. Some important composers of the classical music were Wolfgand Amadeus Mozart, Franz Joseph Haydn, and Ludwig van Beethoven. Classical types of music are simple, balanced and non-emotional. An orchestra conductor, Mr. Wyath, said, “Having classical music can lead a person to think better.” Web

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